Los reyes Catolicos

Reyes Católicos


Diplomatic-Of or relating to the diploma. | | 2. Belonging or related to diplomacy. | | 3. In a business of state: That it is between two or more nations. | | 4. Such a person involved in these businesses.U. t. c. s. A diplomat. | | 5. Affectedly polite. | | 6. coll. Circumspect, clever, sneaky. | | 7. f.Scientific study of diplomas and other documents, in both its internal and external characters, primarily to establish the authenticity or falsity. | | 8. diplomacy (ǁ science or knowledge of the interests of one nation and relations with others)

Domestic policy-
Science that deals with the government or the conduct of states, cities or communities in general: Aristotle was one of the first philosophers to theorize about politics.

eries sovereign princes in a particular country, belonging to a family. | | 2. Family in which individuals are perpetuates the power or political influence, economic, cultural level.

What was the Holy Brotherhood?

A judicial police force, to fight against bandits and the abuses of the nobility.

What was the function of the Tribunal of the Inquisition?

In 1478, with the Pope's permission, they founded the Tribunal of the Inquisition to prosecute heretics.

Who were the conversors?

The conversos were jews wich converted to Christianity and stay in Spain.

How did the Catholic Monarchs strenghten their power over the municipalities and the nobility.

-They created a bureaucracy and a professional and centralised administration, which depended directly on the monarch.
-They built up the army. Troops were paid by the monarch and followed his orders.
-They increased taxes to finance their activities. However, new taxes still needed the approval of Parliament.
-They created a diplomatic system to maintain relations with other countries.
In this way, the authoritarian monarchies were born.

1 Response to "Los reyes Catolicos"

  1. ME _ C. Sociales en el IES Los Sauces says:
    23 de marzo de 2010, 2:06

    Estew tipo de letra resulta dificil de leer, por favor cambia el color

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